Busting The Myths – I don’t need a will
Busting the Myths
In all our years dealing with clients and urging them to make a Will, we have heard every excuse for not making one. But of all the unfounded excuses, these four are probably the biggest myths we have come across.
1. “I Don’t Need a Will Because my Wife / Husband Will Get the Lot Anyway”
This is simply not true. Who will get what is determined by a strict formula set out in the Queensland Succession Act, and your partner does not automatically “get the lot”.
2.“I Don’t Need a Will Because My Children Get Along Well”
There is an old saying, “say you know not a man until you have shared an estate with him”. Ugly scenes often come about from the influence of those outside the family. There are far too many people giving incorrect and poor guidance based on “folklore” and not what is actually the law. I have seen families torn apart fighting over the estate of a parent. Do not bring this upon your family. Make a Will so your wishes are clearly set out.
3.“It Costs Too Much”
Trust me when I say the cost of preparing a Will is nothing compared to the costs, both financially and emotionally, that your family will have to pay if you die intestate (ie. without having made a Will).
4.“I am Not Old Enough to Have a Will”
Unfortunately age does not protect you from accidents and tragedies. The rule is simple, everybody over the age of 18 should have a Will.
Hopefully this article has laid to rest those myths and cleared up any doubts and uncertainties you may have. If you love and care for your family then you owe it to them to ensure that they are protected.
The easiest way to address these matters is to speak to us at McLaughlin and Associates Lawyers. We will tailor a Will to suit your specific needs. Do not hesitate to contact McLaughlin & Associate Lawyers on phone 3808 7777 or email us at legal@mclaughlinlawyers.com.au.

John McLaughlin