6 Month COVID-19 Moratorium Ends
The six month residential tenancy and rooming accommodation moratorium has ended. However, other protections continue until the 31st December 2020.
The Amendment Regulation that have now ended provided the following measures:
- Mandatory conciliation of tenancy disputes through the Retail Tenancies Authority;
- Fixed term extensions for tenants impacted by COVID-19;
- Abolishing agreement provisions that stop property owners from ending tenancies without grounds and provide additional grounds to end tenancies; and
- Processes to adjust rent and bond.
Until the 31st December 2020, the following protections still apply:
- Provisions to protect tenants from being listed in databases where rent arrears are cause by COVID-19;
- Tenants experiencing domestic and family violence are able to end tenancies;
- limits put in place for reletting costs for certain tenants who end fixed-term leases early; and
- More relaxed repair and maintenance requirements.
If you require any assistance regarding your property matter, we suggest you contact one of our property lawyers. We can be contacted on 07 3808 7777 or business@mclaughlinlawyers.com.au.

John McLaughlin